Friday, April 2, 2010

Stimulate Children’s Brain with Puzzles

One of the memories we have as kids is playing with puzzle games or brain teasers which they are also known as with many different varieties around such as the classic maze with a ball bearing to the extremely popular Sudoku.

All of these brain teasers give kids the opportunity to stimulate their brain cells and develops their cognitive thinking skills which can reflect to a positive nature throughout their life. As mentioned there are many different types of these brain puzzles available such as the following.

Memory Games
Coordination with the eyes and the brain is a skill that can easily be developed with many people still lacking later in life. Simple games can help in the coordination and reflex actions of visually seeing a puzzle and coming up with the answer. The concentration can also increase which can be passed to lessons at school providing better grades to. A very simple example would be picture cards with many in front of the children, taking one away and seeing if they can spot which is missing.

Visual Memory
The above can lead onto memory games where the simple jigsaw puzzle comes into play with easy to assemble puzzles right up to obscure shaped puzzles with shaped which have their own individual shapes making the puzzle much harder to put together. Spot the different is another very popular game with many books available from shops with kid’s puzzles with spot the difference being a variation which does not age with time and fun to do for kids of many ages.

Vocabulary Puzzles
Anagrams are a fun way to stimulate the brain with letters, even simple words can help. Additional puzzles could be to take a word and ask the participant to create 10 more words using that word by adding letters to the start of end and not just by adding an s to make it a plural.

One of my favorites as a child was the Rubix cube which stems from the toy side of puzzles which to date still sells very well across the word. Even this simple toy can stump many for weeks on end but there is a system to be able to complete it. Even so, the stimulation of moving the colors around can do wonders for concentration and overall memory for later life.

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