Friday, March 19, 2010

Becoming a Normal Teenager

Hard pressed for friends? Feeling like an outsider? Well, fear no more for you can now become the perfect teen.

First of all, being a Normal Teenager simply means acting like yourself whoever that may be. Why would you want to be normal anyhow? What is Normal? Who are Normal people? These are all very important questions but all that matters is not if other people think you normal or not. What matters most is whether or not you are happy.

The teenage years are a time for you to become an individual not another automated robot influenced by peers and the media. Become yourself, become who you want to be... This is the best way to survive being a teen.

Some Simple Helpful Hints:
  • What makes you unique - what do you like that others may not?
  • Toughen yourself up to criticism - at some point you're going to be made fun of. Don't take it personally.
  • Find Others Who Think Like You Do - Maybe you and your friends are growing apart as you discover you no longer enjoy the same things. Other people will, you just have to find them. Also, having a smaller group of closer friends is better than having too many.
Whoever you may become know that you should always, always be happy and if your "friends" aren't willing to help you achieve this then find ones that will.

Being a teenager can easily be the most rewarding experience of your life. All you have to do is have fun and not let trivial things get you down. Of course there is a lot more to being a teen and for more information I would visit my local library. Good Luck!

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